I have trained in Rothschild's Safe Trauma Recovery therapy, which clients find helpful in working with adverse childhood experiences. Importantly, this method does not require revisiting or recounting traumatic memories to achieve meaningful progress. It focuses instead on managing symptoms such as flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, emotional dysregulation, and physical discomfort. It is an approach informed by Judith Lewis Herman’s trauma framework.

Additionally, it can incorporate the use of art-making as a supportive tool. This creative process allows for non-verbal expression and exploration, offering an additional pathway to healing and self-regulation. I put emphasis on a safe practice where attention is paid to making sure clients feel they are working at a comfortable pace.


Solution-focused therapy (SFT) is a brief, goal-oriented approach that focuses on building solutions rather than analyzing problems. It works on the principle that clients already possess the strengths and resources needed for change. By envisioning a preferred future and identifying small, actionable steps, SFT helps clients recognize what is working in their lives and how to build on those successes.

With its focus on the present and future, SFT fosters resilience and highlights moments of progress, even in difficult circumstances. We will use specific techniques to clarify goals and track growth, creating an empowering and hopeful environment for meaningful, lasting change.

© Stefanie Marsh Therapy

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